1. How much is the shipping fee and what is the lead time?
The shipping cost and delivery time depend on the shipping options chosen. Please find our delivery options and costs here.
2. Can I track my order?
You can track the order using a DPD tracking number. Once your order has been dispatched, we will update you the tracking information.
3. Can I check my order status?
You can view the status of your order via your Mochiron account.
4. Can I send my order to outside of the UK?
Sorry, we only ship to mainland.
5. Can I cancel my order?
Of course, you can cancel your order before it's dispatched. Please cancel your order via your Mochiron account. If your order has already been dispatched, please contact us. One of our customer service team will advise you for your request following our returns policy.
6. I still haven’t received my order yet though the tracking shows it's delivered. What should I do?
Please contact us. We will contact our courier and update you as soon as possible.
7. I received a wrong item. Can you help?
If you received a wrong item not been placed by you, please contact us. We will sort it out for you as soon as possible.
8. I received a damaged item. Can you help?
Of course, you have the right to claim any damaged products received. Please contact us, then we will sort it out for you as soon as possible.
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